Photographing Artwork: You should be aware that Art works produced during the workshops, classes and short courses may be photographed for use in future BIA publicity and promotion. If you do not wish your artwork to be used for this purpose you are most welcome to let the office know in writing.
Cancellation of a Course: Should your choice of workshop, class or short course not attract sufficient numbers we will notify you at least 48 hours prior to commencement and a full refund will be given.
To Cancel Enrollment: Any request to cancel or change enrolment must be made in writing.
Workshop/Short Course Cancellation Policy: If you wish to cancel your enrolment prior to commencement, a $50 administration fee will apply. Fees will not be refunded for cancellations within 6 days of the workshop/short course commencement.
Semester Course Cancellation Policy: The BIA is a not for profit organization and classes are run based on student numbers reaching viable levels. Therefore, cancellation and changes to enrolment can only be made prior to or during the first 2 weeks of the semester. Pro-rata fees and a $50 admin fee will apply to any cancellation of enrolment during the above period, after which full fees apply.
Kitchen Amenities: BIA provides self-service kitchen amenities with a microwave, tea and coffee making facilities (coffee and tea are available for purchase). You will need to bring your own mug. As there are no food shops nearby, please bring snacks and meals with you.
More Information: Should you require further information please don’t hesitate to contact us at the office or via telephone or email. If you would like to be kept updated with BIA coming events, exhibitions, classes, workshops and news you can register by going to our website where you will find a link on the homepage. If you are having trouble signing up let us know and we will subscribe you.
Feedback: Your feedback regarding the course and facilities are welcomed and we invite you to email us at or drop into the office.
Please note:
Children’s term art classes run from 10:00am – 12:00noon on Saturdays OR 3:30 – 5:30pm on Mondays OR Wednesdays.
Teenager’s term class runs from 12:00noon – 3:00pm on Saturdays and 3:30 – 5:30pm on Tuesdays.
Children’s holiday workshops run from 9:30am – 2:00pm.
Teenager’s holiday workshops run from 9.30 am – 4pm.
After these times no supervision will be provided for students that are not picked up when the class finishes. It is essential that you pick your child up on time (unless prior arrangements have been made or an emergency) as the tutors have other commitments that require them to leave.
Emergency contact: Deborah 0413 313 788 Berenice 0419 022 461
Art materials for your first class: For all classes your child will need to bring their normal water bottle for drinking container, an art shirt or apron, please bring morning or afternoon tea, and a large yoghurt container for painting. PLEASE DO NOT SEND NUTS AS A SNACK.
Art works: Art works produced during the semester and displayed at the end of Semester exhibition may be photographed for use in future publicity and promotion.
Fees and Cancellation Policy: The BIA is a not for profit organization and classes are run based on student numbers reaching viable levels. Should your short course not attract sufficient numbers we will notify you at least 48 hours prior to commencement and a full refund will be given. If you wish to cancel your enrolment prior to commencement, a $50 administration fee will apply. Fees will not be refunded for cancellations within 6 days of the workshop/shortcourse commencement. Any request to cancel or change enrolment must be made in writing.
Missed classes: Please note that missed classes cannot be made up in other time slots.
Child and Youth Risk Management: Risk Mamagement Strategy
More information: Should you require further information please don’t hesitate to contact us at the office or via telephone or email. If you would like to be kept updated with BIA coming events, exhibitions, classes, workshops and news you can subscribe for BIA News. If you are having trouble signing up let us know and we will subscribe you.
Your feedback regarding the course and facilities are welcomed and we invite you to email us at or drop into the office